Friday, December 11, 2009

DAY 35

And it begins....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

DAY 34

Anyone that really knows me, knows how much i love Halo. In my opinion it is the greatest game(and trilogy) ever made. From its intriguing campaign mode to its groundbreaking online play, it definitely goes down in the gaming hall of fame lol. It even has an award winning soundtrack that probably sold more CDs than your favorite rapper. Halo 3 alone sold more than $170 million worth of copies in the first 24hrs of its release, breaking the record previously held by Halo 2. In the first 2 weeks after Halo 2 was released gamers spent an estimated 91 million hours playing online. Its very addictive and i can recall times when i played so much that anytime it was quiet in a room i could still hear the sounds of my shields recharging lol (dont judge me lol). So for the next couple of days i think i will take a trip through the world of Halo.

Friday, December 4, 2009

DAY 33

Working on my final projects and studyin for finals this whole week. Played too much halo and ended up with a migraine lol. Been converting my images to black and white a lot lately because i havent been very conscious of the colors in pictures. They can be very distracting.